Williamsburg Buddhist Sangha Membership Form

The Williamsburg Buddhist Sangha welcomes as a member anyone who finds this community worthwhile, supports it's mission and values, and wants to be a part of it in an ongoing way. There is no fee or obligation; simply submit this membership form declaring your intention.

WBS activities are always open - at no charge - to anyone and everyone who would like to practice together or is interested in the teachings, regardless of whether or not they choose to become a member.
Please select one option.


The Williamsburg Buddhist Sangha welcomes as a member anyone who finds this community worthwhile, supports it's mission and values, and wants to be a part of it in an ongoing way. There is no fee or obligation; simply submit this membership form declaring your intention.

WBS activities are always open - at no charge - to anyone and everyone who would like to practice together or is interested in the teachings, regardless of whether or not they choose to become a member.